Creative Writing Prompts for the Young at Heart
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Stories and poems for children are among the most magical and delightful written works in the literary canon. Children’s literature has a universal appeal; the phenomenal international popularity of the Harry Potter books and movies is a testament to the…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts for Sci-Fi & Fantasy Lovers
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! In the world of creative writing, we’ve only begun tapping the possibilities in speculative fiction, a genre that includes science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, horror, and superhero stories, as well as anything that ventures beyond known reality. Speculative fiction is…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts Inspired by Historical Events
Today’s prompts include selections from the book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Nonfiction writers are obviously inspired by the real world, but fiction writers and poets also take inspiration from real people and events. Wars, scandals, scientific advances, and famous figures in history have all been represented in every form of writing. Works of fiction…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts: Politics and Religion
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! My mom always says, “Don’t ever discuss politics and religion in mixed company.” She has a point: these are taboo subjects that can destroy friendships, rip families apart, and even divide an entire nation. But politics and religion are important…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts That Explore Society and Culture
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! The unofficial motto of the United States of America is E pluribus unum, which means, “out of many, one.” It’s sometimes translated as “one out of many.” The phrase can be interpreted many ways. According to Wikipedia: “The traditionally understood…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts Inspired by Technology
All of today’s prompts come from my book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Technology has become so ingrained in modern, civilized culture that sometimes we don’t even notice it. When was the last time you marveled at a train, a toaster, or a television? Most of us aren’t even fazed by the marvel of mobile…Read More

Thought-Provoking Creative Writing Prompts
Today’s post includes prompts from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Writing is a tool we can use to express ourselves or share our ideas. But it can also be used to help us think. Writing forces us to articulate our thoughts and ideas, which in turn forces us to scrutinize our thinking. Tackling…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts for Writers
Today’s prompts come from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! We writers are full of ideas for stories, poems, essays, scripts, and other types of creative writing projects. We’re often so busy focusing on our output that we don’t take enough time for self-reflection. It’s a good idea to pause every once in a…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts About Social Issues
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Civilization. Society. Culture. We live in a complex world fraught with struggles. Most of us are so busy worrying about our own personal problems that we have little time to think about problems that plague our communities, countries, and the planet. Yet…Read More

Creative Writing Prompts from Far-Off Places
Travel and adventure are the themes behind some of the greatest poems ever written and best stories ever told. Blockbuster movies like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, TV shows like Star Trek and Game of Thrones, and books such as Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Peter Pan, or Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (aff link) all use…Read More