A Handy Book for Poets – Poetry: Tools & Techniques: A Practical Guide to Writing Engaging Poetry
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions. I have found it quite challenging to find good books on the craft of poetry writing. My favorite resource, which is also the most comprehensive, is Perrine’s Sound and Sense. But that’s a costly book because it’s used in college-level poetry courses. For years, I’ve kept up…Read More

Writing Resources: Grammar Girl
This post contains affiliate links. As a writer, it’s only natural that I pay attention to the mechanics of my craft, which is why I’m always on the lookout for useful writing resources. When I discovered the Grammar Girl podcast, my interest in grammar piqued, and I started writing more consciously than ever before. Sure,…Read More

A Few Favorite Journal Writing Tools and Resources
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions. We usually understand a journal to be a place for writing about ourselves, but journals can be used for plenty of other purposes, many of which are useful to writers. I’ve had my share of adventures in journal writing. As a teen, I kept a diary. Later,…Read More

Screenplay by Syd Field
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Studying the craft of writing from a variety of angles will benefit any writer. If you write short stories, you’ll learn something from studying a little poetry. If you write poetry, you can learn something useful from playwrights. And if you’re a novelist, you…Read More

Writing Resources: The Elements of Style
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Writing resources are easy to come by. But good writing resources, ones that will truly help you improve your writing, can be difficult to scout out among the many books on writing that are available. Originally published in 1959, The Elements of Style has…Read More

Writing Resources: Telling True Stories
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Human beings are built for story. Story is how we perceive the world around us and how we understand ourselves and other people. Through story, we learn and make connections. We use stories to map the future and study the past. Stories are the…Read More

Style Guides: Essential Writing Resources for Professionals
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. When we’re writing, we run into a lot of technical issues. Where do the quotation marks go? When is it correct to use a comma? How should titles be formatted? Some of these questions are answered by the rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation….Read More

Writing Resources: Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. “I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want. It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it.” — Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones Ah, words of wisdom. I was…Read More

Writing Resources for Naming Your Characters
This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Have you ever read one of those epic fantasy novels in which the magical characters can gain total control over any living being simply by discovering their real and true name? I’ve read about ten of those novels. What do you think is more…Read More

Steal Like an Artist
“All creative work builds on what came before. Nothing is completely original.” – Austin Kleon, Steal Like an Artist Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist is described as “an inspiring guide to creativity in the digital age,” and although the book addresses technology, most of its wisdom would benefit writers and other artists in any age. This…Read More