Goodreads Giveaway (for Kindle): Ready, Set, Write
This week, I’m hosting a Goodreads Giveaway for the Kindle edition of my latest book, Ready, Set, Write: A Guide to Creative Writing. Ready, Set, Write takes you on a tour through various forms of writing, tools of the trade, and creativity techniques. It’s packed with practical tips for writing. Plus, there are plenty of writing…Read More

Now Available: Ready, Set, Write: A Guide to Creative Writing
I’m excited to announce that a new book in the Adventures in Writing series is now available. Ready, Set, Write: A Guide to Creative Writing Ready, Set, Write takes you on tour through the world of creative writing. You’ll discover tools of the trade and creativity techniques as you explore various forms of creative writing. Learn…Read More

New Book – Story Drills: Fiction Writing Exercises
I’m excited to announce that the second book in The Storyteller’s Toolbox series is now available. Story Drills: Fiction Writing Exercises is packed with exercises that impart the tools and techniques of storytelling and then prompt you to study stories, practice writing stories, and further contemplate the craft of storytelling. About the Book The greatest storytellers…Read More

It’s Writing Forward’s Ninth Anniversary. Let’s Celebrate with a Book Giveaway!
I can’t believe it’s been nine years since I launched Writing Forward. It’s been a fun and challenging adventure, and I’m looking forward to many more years of providing creative writing tips and ideas that motivate and inspire legions of fiction and nonfiction writers as well as poets. Lately, I’ve been hard at work creating…Read More

New Book: What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing
When I first got interested in fiction writing, I scoured bookstores for a simple, straightforward primer on storytelling. I wanted something that explained the various components of a story, and I found lots of excellent books — some on plotting, others on characters — but I never did find that primer I was looking for….Read More

How to Write Better Horror Stories
Please welcome guest author P. Wish with an insightful post that features eight ways to write better horror stories. So you want to write better horror? The question is, how? This article breaks down the process into eight easy tips, focusing on how to find inspiration, the right setting, and support system for your work….Read More

How to Get a Literary Agent and Self-Publish Simultaneously
Please welcome guest author Sarah Juckes with an article on publishing. You’ve been submitting to agents for a while now, and although you’ve had a couple of close calls, your book is still unpublished. At this point, it can feel like you’ve reached a fork in the road. Do you keep going down the agent…Read More

How to Write Your First Author Bio
Please welcome author Nicolas Frame with some good advice on writing your first author bio. It’s an invigorating feeling, receiving one’s first acceptance letter from an editor. We want your piece. Yay! Pop the champagne cork, and put a party hat on your cat. But at the end of that email, you’ll usually realize they…Read More

Writing Forward is Eight Years Old! Let’s Celebrate with a Book Giveaway!
It’s hard to believe Writing Forward is eight years old! Sometimes it feels like I just started this website yesterday. Other times, I feel like it’s been with me forever. One thing is certain: I’m looking forward to many more years of Writing Forward. Every year around this time, I take a look at this…Read More

How to Rekindle Your Writing When You’ve Lost Touch
Please welcome guest author Ali Luke with some top-notch advice on how to reconnect with your writing when you’ve lost touch with it. Are you a writer who’s not currently writing? It happens to all of us at some point – often more than once. Life gets busy and priorities change. Perhaps you’ve gone from…Read More