journal prompts aspiring writers

Journal prompts for aspiring writers.

Journal prompts are a great way to kick off a writing session when you’re feeling uninspired.

We all have days when writing ideas are nowhere to be found, but that doesn’t mean you have to go a day without writing.

In fact, on those days when my muse is being elusive, I like to either work through some writing exercises to stretch and strengthen my writing muscles–or I evaluate my writing goals.

Often, this means I spend time making notes about my writing goals to see how far I’ve come as well as where I’m going and how much work I have to do before I get there.

By looking over some of the writing I’ve done about my goals, I was able to come up with ten journal prompts, which are perfect for assessing your goals and aspirations. Do you know what kind of writer you want to be? Have you set any writing goals yet? How close are you to reaching them? What projects are you working on?

These and other questions form the basis for the following journal prompts.

10 Journal Prompts for Aspiring Writers

  1. As a writer, my dream come true would be…
  2. The difference between my dreams and my true goals as a writer is…
  3. The number one goal I want to achieve as a writer is…
  4. To reach my main writing goal, I need to…
  5. In order to reach my writing goals, I have done the following things in the past week…
  6. During the past month, I have worked toward my writing goals by…
  7. Things that have been interfering with my goals include…
  8. I can eliminate these interferences by…
  9. In one year, I will be closer to fulfilling my writing ambitions. I will have…
  10. Finally, write three journal prompts for next time building on what you’ve already written.

How to Use Journal Prompts to Reach Your Goals

By revisiting these journal prompts on a regular basis, you can consistently assess your goals to see how much you are accomplishing at different points in time. Some of these journal prompts will be useful to revisit every year. Others would be worth revisiting on a monthly or weekly basis.

Next time you’re not sure what to write about or whenever you’re feeling like it’s time to take a hard look at your goals and accomplishments, set aside twenty or thirty minutes and start tackling these journal prompts one by one.

You’ll learn a lot, and you’ll be able to keep writing, even if you’re not feeling especially inspired.

Got any ideas for assessing your goals or suggestions for journal prompts? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

Creative Writing Prompts

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